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Artcam Pro Dongle Activation. Delcam Artcam v7 dONGLE cRACKED » DELCAM ARTCAM INSIGNIA V3.5 » DELCAM ARTCAM JEWELSMITH V7.1 » DELCAM ARTCAM. Full version Cracked Soft For sale Linksafe site: Contact email: ted7590 @ gmail.
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They are both very good packages! I stopped using artcam at ver 8, so I'm not up to speed on where it is after that. I use Aspire now, and haven't regretted switching at all.
Both will get you from A to B with great results! You have to compare apples to apples though. I believe that by the time you buy the AC modules to bring it up to what Aspire offers, it is more expensive. I switched due to the PIA of having a dongle to remember, plus the monthly maintenance was around $150 month for the updates.
If you buy Aspire, you own it. I think with AC your really just renting it. I didn't like the idea of having to insure a dongle. You won't be unhappy either way with the results, maybe just the price! I also didn't like the 'Prove you bought the software before we help you' attitude on the AC forums. BUT.I haven't been back there in a really long time 8) JWO.
One area of discussion that doesn't seem to get enough exposure is support. I'm not talking about a forum or support from another user. Watch murder set pieces. That's the dividing line for me. ArtCam has trained experts, and one is assigned to each purchaser of their product.
When I come across a step that has me stumped, the answer is but a phone call away. Another real advantage is learning new techniques to solve my problem. It's seldom happens that I don't learn new methods and techniques when I make a call to their support staff. When a person is in production it's necessary to keep the work flowing.
That's where ArtCam stands away. ArtCam does offer some special product lines Jewelers and coin makers. Their product line goes beyond Aspire although both are good programs. I also didn't like the 'Prove you bought the software before we help you' attitude on the AC forums.Jamie, I see a number of users running crack versions of Aspire and ArtCam.
The people on the ArtCam forum got sick of people with illegal software asking for help how to use it, so it was implemented that you can become verified by registering your dongle # (no different than registering for the forum) its done internally and a verified label is added to your avatar, you can then also access the verified section. I don't know how many times I've seen people with known crack versions of Aspire get help on the Vectric forum. I don't know about you, but when I help someone with software I expect that they legally obtained it so commend the Delcam staff for implementing the verified section on the AC forum Gary. Hi John, Just a short bit of history, Delcam commenced in 1977 and is recognized as one of the leading cad/cam developers, actually ArtCam is not their major product division and is only about 19 years old.