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Mario Tennis Power Tour Rom Rating: 3,2/5 8801votes Camelot has a knack of creating a full-fledged sports design on the console, and then, a mere few months later, mangaging to take all that work and shrink it down into an even more elaborate and deeper game experience for the handheld systems. Back on the 8-bit Game Boy Color the team put both 64 Mario Golf and Mario Tennis games in fantastic portable forms, and caps off the same duo move from GameCube to Game Boy Advance. The sport of tennis may be much more twitch-based and fast-paced than golf, but the inherent nature of the design doesn't offer allow for the same amount of variety. Even with that said, just as Mario Golf took the award for the best GBA sports game last year, the same is totally going to Mario Tennis for 2005, no question. For the console game experience, Camelot focuses on the sport in its presentation. The team simply cuts to the chase and throws the players right onto the field and court and starts them right into the action. When they work on the portable rendition, though, Camelot puts way more attention to the single player experience.
It's not just about playing the sport in the handheld version, it's more about living it. Ghar aja mahi falak naz download. So, while you're definitely going to get a full-fledged Mario Tennis experience on the Game Boy Advance, just like the studio's GBA Mario Golf this game is focused on the role-playing aspect of becoming the best of the tennis best.
Which is honestly one of the only hard criticisms about Camelot's design: if you want to just jump in and play, this game doesn't make that easy. You'll have to wade through the game's several minute introduction before you'll even get a racket in your hands. The RPG exploration part is clearly (but smartly) lifted out of the development team's gorgeous and very capable Golden Sun engine. It's not really an RPG title, though, more of a way to extend the experience for the single player; instead of jumping from one menu option to the next, players work their way through the environments finding competitions and challenges to take part in, and win or lose these competitions and challenges increase your character's potential with experience points that can be attached to attributes like power, serve, and spin. By the time you get to the end of the storyline, you'll be an unstoppable powerhouse on the court. That is, of course, if you were generous to your doubles partner and leveled that player up as well - it's not just a solo outing, you've got a second character to worry about.