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Now that everything seems to have settled for 61 Tempest I'm reposting Guide with all the corrections/suggestions from previous thread. 61 Tempest is a purely ranged ST/lighAoE dps spec. The spec: 61 Tempest / 15 Riftblade / 0 Paragon Point Allocation: 61 Tempest - full 15 Riftblade - 5/5 Elemental Precision 2/2 Surging Energy 3/3 Elemental Empowerment 5/5 Affinity Pargon: 0 This first set of macros/rotations are mine from PTS. I use this rotation due to the fact I now have it memorized and feels smooth to me. If you are just picking up 61 tempest I suggest using the second macro/rotation set as its much easier.
DP-CP ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTI( DP-CP5 80-10 Meters 5 oint assembly Radial s. Lign water drain hole iownward when attached 12 cm (4.7') mast as shown 12cm than 12 cm (4.7' M ast ) Screw Radial hokier Feed p easy Ind does ated on ng them;pecially installed side of should be set more thar above the top end of the More Tapping hole this side Support pipe.
I have not extensively tested the second as it was just posted today(thank you Twohandz). From trying it, it seems a lot easier/smoother (no clipping torrent) but if I'm not mistaken it pushes Wavelength back 3 to 5 seconds on second and subsequent usage? Correct me if I'm wrong.
So if this 1. Macro 1x3 -> Macro 3x1 Is intended to do this 1. Electricity Cascade -> Dual Pulse -> Delayed Pulse -> Arc -> Focused Fire Why is macro use not 1.

Macro 1x3 -> Macro 3x 2 Similarly in other parts you have Macro 3 once. Also as is it seems like you are doing intentional 2 point combos? Is that to keep the rotation tight for wavelength cooldown or am I missing something? When I was using your previous rotation and macros I felt like I got it to work by using the macro for arc and ff twice and we weren't clipping combo points at 2. Can you please confirm the number of uses of macro is intended and where my confusion is? Rotation by ability: 1.
Electricity Cascade -> Dual Pulse -> Delayed Pulse -> Arc -> Focused Fire Hey, I would suggest that the delayed pulse gets applied before the the dual pulse has been used. With this you ensure that one tick of arc in the wavelength rotation gets eaten by it. Delayed hits harder than charged/double. You just need to swap the order within your marco 1 to change that. In the German community we came up with the follwoing rotation: The rotation will get you a bit later to the wavelength block but it feels really smooth and at least I had with the Block 1 of the roation the highest DPS - if only used while waiting for the burst phase. Block Arc/FF charged/double -> FS -> EB -> SF LT -> EC delayed -> Dual -> Arc 2.
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Block (Bust) FF -> Wave CP/DP -> CP/DP -> CP/DP -> Arc CP/DP -> CP/DP -> CP/DP CP/DP -> CP/DP -> CP/DP -> SF I'm not using the IB at the end of the second three CP/DP - i had to learn that it will cost me the last double in that part. Hey, I was not talking about the skyfall part. I meant the opener -> bust combination. There delayed will most likely not take a tick from arc. If you go form opener to the normal block (leaving burst out): 1. Electricity Cascade -> Dual Pulse -> Delayed Pulse -> Arc -> Focused Fire 3. Charged Pulse - Double Pulse -> Flamespear -> Electricity Blast -> Skyfall You are right that one tick will be taken by Arc but not at the other combination.
And since changing the marco will not have in effect on the - opener -> normal part - but an impact on - the opener -> burst part - I still think changing the marco is a better way. LIthium1, Off Global Cooldown abilities are supposed to fire when listed last within a macro even if a gcd ability was used prior within the macro, with 1 press. Perhaps I'm mistaken as you are right, I just tested and it takes 2 presses to fire both arc and focused fire. Perhaps I'm thinking of reactive ogcd's that fire with just 1 press. You are correct, macro 3 (arc/focused fire) will require 2 presses to fire both.