Crystal Reports For Net Framework 20 X64 Redistributable Package 64 Bit

Crystal reports framework 2.0 64 bit Crystal reports framework 2.0 64 Version 2 (x64) redistributable package installs Download Crystal Reports 10.5 Full Version - best software for Windows. 2006 NET Framework version 2.0 (x64) redistributable package.
We have noticed a small percentage of installs of the Crystal Reports for.NET Framework 2.0 (x86) 10.2.0, found, will appear to hang when starting the MSI installation (i.e. After all the user input prompts). This only occurs for one of our large corporate clients and only on a small number of Windows 7 32 bit machines. In some cases the machines are freshly imaged and in others they are machines that have been in use by the user for a number of weeks. In all other cases the installer runs zip, zip, zip, complete in a matter of 30 to 60 seconds.
Today we were lucky enough to work with a Sysadmin who had the patience to let the installer sit until it either returned an error or completed. We were curious and hadn't found any other reason why the condition would exist. Sure enough after about 20 minutes the installer made a jump from almost no progress on the progress bar to about 40% on the progress bar. However, it appeared hung there now as well.
The sysadmin was patient and let it run another 20 minutes. Sure enough at about 19 minutes the installer continued installing, zip, zip, zip, complete. We tested to make sure the crystal runtime when executed actually worked and it did. Having not seen this behavior prior to the last 3 or so months and seeing the condition only occur on a select few machines for a specific customer. What in the world could be happening during this time when the installer appears hung (maybe it isn't hung after all)?
There is some kind of problem with 'Crystal Reports for.Net Framework'. It installs quite good, but does not uninstall. It wont budge, even if you try to remove it manually using the Add/Remove programs. My scenario: I have installed 'Crystal Reports for.Net Framework 2.0 (x64)' manually. I installed it using the CRRedist2005_X64.msi file found by default in 'Program Files Microsoft Visual Studio 8 Crystal Reports CRRedist X64'.
I am using a 64-bit machine. To be double sure, I clean installed the OS twice and installed Crystal Reports. This happens with Windows Server 2008. It un-installs well on XP (used Crystal Reports 32-bit one).
I dont have Vista to try on. Is it the problem with the OS or the CR redistributable file? How do I uninstall this? Will our application be held responsible if it does not uninstall from the machine? Will it fail the test? Thanks in advance. Hi there Sounds like Crystal reports is not uninstalling cleanly on 64-bit Windows Server 2008.
Is that correct? For specific questions on support for Crystal reports I would encourage you to contact their support folks. As long as your application uninstalls cleanly without issues you will be eligible for the works with program (meaning, the app will not fail this test case) If there are dependent applications that are third party applications, then a waiver can be requested if such third party applications don't uninstall cleanly. Thanks, [Venkat].
Hi Venkat, I am not installing Crystal Reports product as a whole, but only the redistributable package for.Net framework, that installs a few shared assemblies in the GAC. Because the CRRedist2005_X64.msi that is found by default in 'Program Files Microsoft Visual Studio 8 Crystal Reports CRRedist X64' is not getting uninstalled, I have used another approach to install Crystal Reports components.
I have downloaded the Crystal Reports for.NET Framework 2.0 merge modules file 'CrystalReportsRedist2005_x64.msm' from. Using this msm I have created a msi(let us call this CRCreated.msi) setup package that installs only Crystal Reports runtime components. This new CRCreated.msi does the same work as using the default installer file CRRedist2005_X64.msi found by default. Reshebnik naglyadnaya geometria 7 klass kazakov. But CRCreated.msi uninstalls cleanly while CRRedist2005_X64.msi does not uninstall at all. So, I decided to include CRCreated.msi along with the application's setup files, instead of CRRedist2005_X64.msi.