Download Iso Game Basara 2 Heroes Ps2 Untuk Pc

Ya game ini sudah tidak asing lagi bagi kita. Nama game nya yaitu Sengoku Basara 2 Heroes. Game ini biasa dimainkan di PS2, tapi yang satu ini dapat dimainkan di PC / Laptop sobat. Dengan memakai sebuah emulator. Langsung saja yang ingin download silahkan di download gamenya.
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Advantages and disadvantages of serial and parallel data transmission. Both Serial and Parallel Transmission have their advantages and disadvantages respectively. Parallel Transmission is used for shorter distance, provides greater speed. On the other hand, Serial Transmission is reliable for transferring data to longer distance. Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Parallel Data Transmission. The main advantages of parallel transmission over serial transmission are: it is easier to program; and data is sent faster. Although parallel transmission can transfer data faster, it requires more transmission channels than serial transmission. If the specs are the same, the advantage/disadvantage created by their communication method pretty much go like this: Serial: +Less Pins needed, meaning more GPIO available for other stuff. -Requires faster speed to transfert the same image, meaning slower refresh rate. Parallel: -More pins needed. +Faster refresh rate at same clock speed. The advantages of Parallel Transmission are, as the name implies,the transmission of number of bits will take only one cycle as allthe data bits will be transmitted parallel. Secondly, because thedata is transmitted in one clock cycle, the frequency can be keptlow so that the speed of operation is not affected. The advantages and disadvantages of serial links in communication system design. This ideal serial solution offers a powerful integration of programmable logic and this high-performance serial interface. This flexible solution offers a variable data rate, and compliance with a broad range of standards.
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Hiya guys, I was thinking of making an English Patch for the ps2 game Sengoku Basara 2 Heroes. A Translation guide has already been written so it should be easier. I got mad edit for hex editing already, but the thing is, I don't know how to decrypt the ps2 files or find out where the game's language is located. Here are my files if they would help: Dummy, Basara20 and Icon IconG------------------------------------------------------>BasaraG and Icon Modules------------------------------------------------------------------------------They are all.IRX Files except for IORP300=Iso, The.IRX Files are named: CRI_ADXI CSE LIBSD MCMAN MCSERV MODHSYN MODMIDI MODMSIN PADMAN SDRDRV SIO2MAN.
In AFS files obviously. It's a standard munge format. Very few PS2 games do actually use it, though (unless it's just the extension and the content is not a standard afs at all). PS2 doesn't use any encryption (unless game specific). Okay well there are many boxes with nothing inside, and thanks at least I have three files now. Munge Format, is that what format the game is in???!?! Thanks for your help so far FFGriever Edit: Whoops Munge is just when two files are part of the same one.
So with MadEdit I should just run around editing randomly???? Also are there any common writings used for JP language, maybe the Boxes Last edited by diegsmoran; at 04:03 PM.

If you can't write your own tools, then use something like afs explorer (and hope the files are not compressed, encrypted or obfuscated in any way). Anyway, using hex editor to translate a game is like using a fork to eat soup - sure, you can do it if you're persistent enough, but everyone will treat you like a retard. Hex editor is a good tool to check the formats, understand them and reverse engineer (accompanied by disassembler when hex editor is not enough), but is hardly suited for the translation alone. Hmm maybe that's why so many views but not many people helping. I really do appreciate the help ffgriever and I am praying with all hope as I t know for certain what your editing, you just playa round for a long, long, long time and I am very persistant so, well thanks and oh dear. I think your compression idea was right, inside the.AFS (1st file) are over 100 different files, some dummies, but many.ppk files and some.da files.
Thanks for the help, I guess I'll start looking and keep you updated incase you can help me out more somehow, thanks again.