Game Maker Spaceship Engine Names

This tutorial describes how to import a custom ship model into SpaceEngine. Before continuing, it is recommended to read this manual:. All the examples in this tutorial do not uses the pak files, but it is advisable to ensure that your final (release) version of the addon has been packed to a pak file. Spaceships in SpaceEngine Ships in SpaceEngine may consist of several parts, each of which is represented by a separate model file.
Game engines are tools available for game designers to code and plan out a game quickly and easily without. Crystal Space: C++: Java, Perl. Game Maker Language.
For example, ships made in the SHW editor can have several engines, radiators, tanks, connecting farms, etc. Identical modules use the same model (for example, engines or farm element), which saves a lot of video memory. Source code aplikasi penjualan barang kasir alfamart. But the ship may also have a single module (like a Shuttle). If your new model is complex and has repetitive elements, it makes sense to cut it into modules. Castle zagyg yggsburgh pdf merge. Later in this guide we will assume that you are creating a model of the ship Discovery from the “2001: A Space Odyssey” story. We also assume that this is not the only ship of that franchise that you want to import.
Therefore, create a new folder in the addons directory: 2001 (we will call it the worker folder), and default SE folders for models and textures inside it: addons/2001/models/ addons/2001/textures/ Any model of the ship, even a single-module one, consists of multiple files, split into two groups. The first group is related to the models, the second – to the textures.
The models are stored in the addons/2001/models/spacecraft/, and textures in the addons/2001/textures/spacecraft/ folder. So now we need to create two folders called spacecraft: addons/2001/models/spacecraft/ – we will call it the standard models folder addons/2001/textures/spacecraft/ – we will call it the standard textures folder Important note: all folders with a path which has the form of */models/spacecraft/ (and the same for */textures/spacecraft/) are considered by SpaceEngine as one large virtual folder. So if you put your texture or model addons directly into the default location, like this: addons/2001/texture/spacecraft/engine.jpg, it is likely to be overriden by some texture with the same name in another addon, according to the modification date priority rule (or your texture may override another texture in some addon). To avoid this situation, it is necessary to create additional folders with unique names inside our standard models and textures folders. For example, create a folder Odyssey2001: addons/2001/models/spacecraft/Odyssey2001 addons/2001/textures/spacecraft/Odyssey2001 Now the folder Odyssey2001 should be taken into account when specifying file paths in the ship’s script and material files, but this is necessary to avoid ambiguities and overriding files in other addons. If your addon may end up having many ship models, for convenience you can create another extra level of folders, although this is not necessary.
For example, a unique named folder for each of the ship types. In our case, it makes sense to create a folder named Discovery, because we are importing the model of this ship: addons/2001/models/spacecraft/Odyssey2001/Discovery/ – we will call it a models folder addons/2001/textures/spacecraft/Odyssey2001/Discovery/ – we will call it a textures folder If some models use common textures, you may create a folder for them called, for example, common. But this is not necessary either, it’s just for convenience; you may store common textures directly in the addons/2001/textures/spacecraft/Odyssey2001/. In general, all such subfolders are optional, you decide whether or not to use them. But it is important to keep in mind that they affects the paths to the files, which are written to in the scripts. Furthermore, we assume in this manual that you have created an innermost folder Discovery. So, any spaceship in SpaceEngine consists of these files: • One or more model files (modules) with the extension *.sm (Spacecraft Model), located in the folder addons/2001/models/spacecraft/Odyssey2001/Discovery/.