Halo Custom Edition 110 Crack

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I have Halo CE 1.09, I have copied it from my external hard drive, and i forget where it originally came from.I don't have my Halo CE CD or my key anymore.But i want to continue playing multiplayer.Any help or tips? Please help, i want to continue playing multiplayer.Perhaps an uncompressed version of the patch i can manually install with a few instructions?I will not modify or redistribute it in any way.Thanks, please help as soon as you can! [EDIT]: My little brother uses the exact same copy.He needs it as well.Please Help! Edited by RocketMan212 on May 26, 2014 at 11:25 AM. Thank you all!I will try all these later!This community is the best!

[EDIT]: Cortexian, Halo Combat Evolved is also abbreviated as Halo CE.I meant Halo Combat Evolved CD, sorry for confusing you. [EDIT 2]: Also, Cortexian, it IS legitimate.I had Halo Combat Evolved installed on the original pc that CE was installed on(Combat evolved is also legit!), i just No-CD cracked it.So unless that counts as pirating,i did not pirate it.!!!IMPORTANT!!!: Okay.After patching its telling me that my CD Key is not valid.The heck? Edited by RocketMan212 on May 26, 2014 at 03:45 PM.