Power Pete Game Download Windows
Story Power Pete is an action figure in a toy store. Ajith raja video songs free download. At night, all the toys in the store come to life. A group of fuzzy bunnies, afraid of the meaner toys in the store, scatter around. Power Pete comes in to save the day by rescuing all of the bunnies. Levels There are 5 levels that Power Pete needs to advance through, each with 3 sub-levels, making for a total of 15. Some levels are only available when certain difficulty settings are used.
This is the shareware re-released version of our old game Power Pete. It's still just as. Our game programming guide with sample code - now a free download! Mighty Mike (aka Power Pete) is an overhead view 2D shooter developed by Pangea Software and published by Interplay under the MacPlay brand name. It was released in 1995 and packaged with Mac OS 7 on new Macintosh Performa computers.
• Prehistoric Plaza -(Easy difficulty) • Candy Cane Lane -(Easy difficulty) • Fairy Tale Trail -(Easy difficulty) • Magic Funhouse -(Medium difficulty) • Bargain Bin -(Hard difficulty only) Weapons • Suction Cup Gun - A gun that shoots suction cup darts. The player's beginning weapon, it is very weak, has a limited range, and has a low rate of fire. • Rock- The run-of-the-mill rock. It is thrown like a grenade. It has a short range, but does however do a decent amount of damage. This weapon can be thrown over hedges.

• Musket - This weapon, found early in the game, shoots a round projectile that looks somewhat like a small cannon ball. The weapon has a fast rate of fire, long range, and does a large amount of damage. This is the first weapon capable of damaging a T-rex. • Flamethrower - The flamethrower, while extremely powerful, has a very limited range. It shoots a continuous stream of fire and as such, consumes ammunition very quickly. • Double-Barreled Gumball Blaster - A double barreled gun that shoots colorful two colorful gumballs at a time.
It has a standard rate of fire and does a mediocre amount of damage. • Triple-Barreled Gumball Blaster - A better version of the double-barreled gumball blaster, it fires three gumballs at a time and has a fast rate of fire. • Toothpaste - A rather weak weapon, it shoots a continuous stream of toothpaste a short distance. • Heat Seeker - This gun fires a missile that will seek the nearest target. The missiles move very slowly however and a second missile can not be fired until the first missile finds its mark, as such, it is considered the worst weapon in the game by many. • Pie - A pie that when thrown explodes, covering its target in food. • Exploding Birthday Cake - A cake that is thrown at a target.