Prasanna Jothidam Software Developer

Astrology Vakyam Tamil software Sudha vakya pambu panchanga Astrology Horoscope software gives the following details. Horoscope can be prepared from 1901 to 2100 (200 years). Grahastiti with degrees, Star, Padam, Star lord, Sublord, Rasi lord, Sublord 2. Tamil date, Nazhigai, Sun rise, sun set time 3.
Vakram, Birth star, lagnam, Ucham, Neecham, Tthithi, Balance dasa, Yogam, yogi, Avayogi 4. Rasi chart 5. Navamsa chart 6. Bhavam table 7.
Bhavam chart 8. Drekanam chart 9. Dhuvadhasamsam chart 10. Sabhdamsam chart 11. Dasa bukthi 12.
Prasanna Jothidam Software Development. 0 Comments Read Now. WELCOME TO THE SITE OF VEDIC ASTROLOGY!! It is an astonishing fact that god governs the sun, all the planets and stars around it and also takes care of all our requirements, blesses us based on our good and bad activities. One’s life is getting determined right at the time of.
Graham, Horathipathi, Trimsamsathipathy 13. Sarvashtagavargam chart 14. Thirikona sodanai chart, sodanai ku pin chart 15. Numerology - suggestion 16. Chandrashtamam - for any number of years 17. Thirukanidam based rasi, Navamsam, Grahastiti for comparison in the last 2 pages.
Astrology Vakyam Tamil software ( Screen & Print ) --> Rs.7800/- offer price 2. Astrology Vakyam English software ( Screen & Print ) --> Rs.7800/- offer price 3.
Astrology Thirukanitham Tamil software ( Screen & Print ) --> Ajith video songs free download 3gp. Rs.7800/- offer price 4. Astrology Thirukanitham English software ( Screen & Print ) --> Rs.7800/- offer price 5.
Numerology Tamil software ( Screen & Print ) --> Rs.2000/- 6. Match Making (Eng and Tamil) --> Rs.1000/- 7.

Telugu Astrology Software --> Rs.5800/- 8. Astrology Vakyam Tamil & English software ( Screen & Print ) --> Rs.15000/- 9. Astrology Thirukkanitham Tamil & English software ( Screen & Print ) --> Rs.15000/- 10.Astrology Vakyam Tamil Single Page --> Rs.2800/- 11.Astrology Vakyam English Single Page --> Rs.2800/- 12.Astrology Thirukanitham Tamil Single Page --> Rs.2800/- 13.Astrology Thirukanitham English Single Page --> Rs.2800/- 14.Astrology Telugu Single Page --> Rs.2800/- • Astrology SW Developer • Phone: • Software: Close. Tamil Thirukanitham Astrology Tamil Thirukanitham Astrology Horoscope software gives the following details. Horoscope can be prepared from 1901 to 2100 (200 years). Grahastiti with degrees, Star, Padam, Star lord, Sublord, Rasi lord, Sublord 2.
Tamil date, Nazhigai, Sun rise, sun set time 3. Vakram, Birth star, lagnam, Ucham, Neecham, Tthithi, Balance dasa, Yogam, yogi, Avayogi 4. Rasi chart 5. Navamsa chart 6. Bhavam table 7. Bhavam chart 8.
Drekanam chart 9. Dhuvadhasamsam chart 10. Sabhdamsam chart 11. Dasa bukthi 12. Graham, Horathipathi, Trimsamsathipathy 13. Sarvashtagavargam chart 14. Thirikona sodanai chart, sodanai ku pin chart 15.
Numerology - suggestion 16. Chandrashtamam - for any number of years 1. Astrology Vakyam Tamil software ( Screen & Print ) --> Rs.7800/- offer price 2. Astrology Vakyam English software ( Screen & Print ) --> Rs.7800/- offer price 3. Astrology Thirukanitham Tamil software ( Screen & Print ) --> Rs.7800/- offer price 4. Astrology Thirukanitham English software ( Screen & Print ) --> Rs.7800/- offer price 5.
Numerology Tamil software ( Screen & Print ) --> Rs.2000/- 6. Match Making (Eng and Tamil) --> Rs.1000/- 7. Telugu Astrology Software --> Rs.5800/- 8. Astrology Vakyam Tamil & English software ( Screen & Print ) --> Rs.15000/- 9. Astrology Thirukkanitham Tamil & English software ( Screen & Print ) --> Rs.15000/- 10.Astrology Vakyam Tamil Single Page --> Rs.2800/- 11.Astrology Vakyam English Single Page --> Rs.2800/- 12.Astrology Thirukanitham Tamil Single Page --> Rs.2800/- 13.Astrology Thirukanitham English Single Page --> Rs.2800/- 14.Astrology Telugu Single Page --> Rs.2800/- • Astrology SW Developer • Phone: • Software: Close. Match making software online, Jathaka porutham Horoscope matching in tamil. Thirumana Porutham, Enter the birth details of the Boy and Girl.