Ps3 Cech 3008b Proshivka

Click to expand.All is good so far Couple of minor things: - Before I did this fix, the ps3 was very hot even while on standby. It was so hot that I sometimes leave my Vita in its thick case on top of the ps3 and when I want to use it, the unit itself got warm from the ps3 heat. Since I never owned a Super Slim before I assumed all super slim units are hot, but now after the cobra ode issue was resolved, the ps3 is no longer warm even while using it. Judging by the warm part location looks like the cobra itself was getting hot which is weird but now is no longer an issue - playing God of War 3, I faced a few issues specially in control, thought it had to do with the cobra yet turned out to be a bug with a patch available (v1.03).
Was wondering if installing that patch can in anyway sneakly cause my 4.53 to be upgraded? I really hope not as it seems this swap disc thing is very annoying Installed GOW 3 patch v1.03 and all is great. Thanks plenty. So, I did the update of the PS3 system 4.70, the cobraOde 2.3 before, was working well, with games that contains update. Did cobraOde update to 2.4, the mcu.rom left without cobraOde in XBM, entered into PT mode, back to 2.3, the data base did not work, dated former base, returned to work. Being now had some errors (fffffffff) I could fix.
I need to emulate the game I want. Before entering the game (automatic by cobraOde), disconnect the ps3 with the emulated game. Connecting the PS3 - knowing that will be emulated the game, (Blue LED light - in cobraOde plate). Enter the game.
I have a ps3 cech 3008B with OFW 4.41 can i jailbreak it?
Ceyrelume1978 - Google Sites. Igri dlya kitajskogo psp mp5. Battery 3.7V 1200 mAh Li Polymer rechangeable Li-Po 053759 for GPS PSP MP5 MP4 See more like this. Polymer Rechargeable Li-Po 3.7V 2600 mAh Lithium 606168 for GPS PSP MP3 MP5. 3.7V 1500 mAh polymer Rechargeable Lithium Li-Po ion 405060 for MP5 PSP GPS See more like this. 3.7V 1000mAh Li Po Polymer Battery Cells 503450 For DVD GPS MP4 MP5 PSP. Backkenzgenci198098 - offers 29 mp5 game player psp products. About 72% of these are handheld game player, 3% are video game console, and 3% are earphone & headphone. A wide variety of mp5 game player psp options are available to you, such as bluetooth, noise cancelling, and microphone. Dec 20, 2009 Page 1 of 2 - I bought an 'MP5 PSP' game player off eBay - posted in Dedicated Systems: I bought a new toy off eBay a couple of weeks ago. It was advertised as an “MP5 Game player”. The version I bought seems to be fairly common on eBay; although most of the sellers are out of China/Hong Kong, you can find some sellers in other countries.
Updated and SWAP. Without error. If you have not updated the game (with the emulated game, press Triangle, look for updates) I had no problems Enter on PSN and play online. No update games, does not work (eg. Vector magic portable. Zen pinball, Olyempiedas, SNES, NES) Sorry for the English.
PS3 - Super Slim 4k - CECH-4201B OFW 4.70 - onlinePSN Cobra ode 4.20 - 2.3 CBrowser - SWAP Att.