Pdf John Coltrane My Favorite Things Sheet Music

RGLIoXqMjmJPIcHにお住まいの Crazybrother さんの記帳 2rand[0,1,1]歳 ツ男性: 2016年07月18日(月) 11時06分. Programmu koordinatnaya ploskostj. Pva砂轮、pva海绵砂轮、pva抛光砂轮、耐水pva砂轮、锯片抛光砂轮、不锈钢抛光轮、大理石抛光轮、 铜抛光砂轮、铝抛光砂轮、 FBB砂轮、PVA带柄磨头、海绵砂条. Mihail Veller. Velikij poslednij shans----- © Copyright Mihail Veller WWW: http://www.weller.ru.
Download John Coltrane My Favorite Things (from The Sound Of Music) sheet music notes and chords for Piano. This Jazz composition includes 6 page(s). Free preview. Transpose, save as PDF.

Here is a version of John Coltrane's jazz version of My Favourite Things from The Sound Of Music. It starts off roughly following the original but then changes into an improve bit, it's because when transposing the Soprano part to Alto Sax part some notes that don't exist appear. It is best suited to the Alto Sax this arrangement because that's what I intended it for but feel free to use Soprano Sax, just don't use both it sounds weird when there's both XD.
It is still ongoing. But should be done soon because it is going to be one of my exam pieces. Please give me feedback so I can improve it. Thanks for listening! DISCLAIMER: All credit to the original artist and composer.