Super Smash Bros Melee Wad Sites

The official website for Super Smash Bros. 4 launched on June 11, 2013, shortly after the two games' E3 2013 trailer. Like its predecessors, Smabura-Ken and the Smash Bros. DOJO!!, it is periodically updated with information on the games, but unlike its predecessors, the information is shown mostly through pictures instead of text.
Smashboards rates this game: 5/5 One of the best and most fun party games ever made. But even more one of the best and most challenging fighting games ever made. Despite its' 'kids party game' apperance Super Smash Bros. Melee is also extremely difficult fighting game and it's being played competitively even over 12 years after the game's release! Hidden mechanics such as l-canceling and wavedashing add much depth to the competitive aspect of the game. But even if you are just playing the game for fun, you are gonna have a blast!
SushiBrawl rates this game: 5/5 Super Smash bros Melee is my favorite fighter of all time. It's really fun to play with up to 4 people and duke it out with your favorite Nintendo characters. There also many stages to choose from and and a ton of modes to play.

While the single player modes don't have much replay value after you get done with them, you'll certainly be coming back for more mostly for the multiplayer content. I say Super Smash Bros Melee deserves a 10/10 and you should definitely buy.
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