Death Note Ds Rom English Patch

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Death Note: Kira Game is the first game based on the popular anime and manga of the same name. The gameplay revolves around players assuming either the detective role, L, or the Death Note-wielding opposition, Kira, in a round-table game of suspicion and trust. Jan 25, 2008 How To Translate 'Death Note- Kira Game' To English? I love this game and i have free time tell me if anyone's know how to translate this game and if exist english patch somewhere in the web. George 3 years ago. Report Abuse. Add a comment. Submit just now. English patched rom is here.

Chances are, that since you are here, you must have either played or are going to play this game. It would be really great if you could please submit a description for this title as that makes a more complete resource for other visitors. We approve newly submitted descriptions every day and you will find that it will not take long for your description to appear in this space. Thanks a lot!
Hey, this is so cool. I've been looking for a Death Note game for ages! Saying to my friends 'Damn, that would be awesome, write people's names on a DS' heheh. And I finally find one! Such a shame it's in Japanese. I'd really love to learn Japanese. XD I hope they make an English version.
Doubt they will, but maybe if we can find some skilled game designers/Japanese translators, they could edit the game and make it English? XD Or get lots of fans to spam Death Note people with mail saying ENGLISH GAME! ENGLISH GAME!
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